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Why become a citizen?

Sandra Sandoval • September 02, 2020

Becoming a U.S. citizen has many benefits. If you are a green card holder who qualifies, consider becoming a citizen. These some are some of the benefits of U.S. citizenship:

  • You are safe. U.S. citizenship is a strong and protected right, no matter where you are from, how long you live somewhere else, or what legal problems you have. The U.S. government cannot deport citizens, and almost no one has their U.S. citizenship taken away.
  • You can bring your family. You can sponsor green card applications for your parents, children, and siblings.
  • Your children can become citizens. To learn about the rules and process for children who were born outside the U.S., click here
  • You can travel with a U.S. passport. You can spend as much time abroad as you want without losing your citizenship. With a U.S. passport, you don't need a visa for short trips to many countries. When you return, the line at the airport is shorter for citizens.
  • You can apply for a government job. You must be a citizen for most federal jobs. State and local government positions often require citizenship.
  • You can vote. Only citizens can vote in federal elections. Most states require citizenship to vote in state and local elections. Voting is a great way to influence your community and the country.
  • You don't pay extra taxes. Generally, green card holders and U.S. citizens have to pay the same taxes.
  • You save money. You don't have to pay for green card replacements if you become a citizen.

If I get U.S. citizenship, will I lose citizenship in my home country?

Citizenship in two countries is called "dual citizenship." The rules for dual citizenship depend on where you are from. The U.S. citizenship oath has strong language about your loyalty, the U.S. Constitution, and renouncing other places where you have citizenship. But your home country has its own rules, and may still consider you a citizen even after you take the U.S. oath. To find out the rules in your home country, check with your embassy.

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